PFI Profile of Services
Holistic Approach in Project Assistance
The PFI approach starts already in the initial phases of project conceptualization, since well structured concepts have much better chances to pass the many-fold control steps of the funding institutions. Viability analyses of various financing options or public-private partnership structures (PPP) are necessary initial steps for an application for support funds. Many of the rules and the regulations are often subject to interpretation. Early contacts to the finance institutions by the project sponsor are therefore of absolute advantage.
The main objective of PFI–services is to set-up within the client company a “Center of Competence“ freeing the client from the need to tie up own human resources. Through transfer of know-how, the client will be sensitized and will obtain a deepened understanding of the important facets of Financial Engineering.
The support of PFI does not end with the possible achievement of contract award by our client. After declaration as “lowest evaluated bidder“ we continue with our support and advice also during the subsequent contract negotiations and the project implementation phase.
PFI assist its client companies with expert support and advice during the whole chain of processes

Through her integration into an international network of companies and experts, PFI can resort to a comprehensive country and sector know-how for the benefit of her clients. PFI has at her disposal an excellent political and commercial contact-network particular in the geographical areas:
- Central and South-east Europe
- East Europe and states of the former USSR
- Gulf-States
- South-East Asia
- South Asia
PFI is a “One Stop Shop” for companies that want to extent their activities into countries abroad or those who want strengthen their already existing activities there.