Client Benefits
PFI Core Competencies
How does the client benefit?
- „One-Stop-Shop“
- External Center of Compentence
- Financial Marketing
- Export Financing
- Structured Financing
- Project Management
- Project Controlling
- Holistic Advice over the whole Process-chain
- Effective and cost-optimized strategy for market entry
- No requirement of costly company structures
- Quick reaction through flexibility
- Immediate access to external PFI-competence
- Low cost market- and project research
- Low risk money in high risk countries
Ganzheitliche Beratung über die gesamte Prozesskette
- Effektive und kostenoptimierte Markteintrittsstrategie
- Kein Vorhalten von kostenträchtigen Strukturen
- Schnelle Reaktion durch Flexibilität
- Sofortiger Zugriff auf externe PFI-Kompetenz
- Low cost Markt- und Projektrecherche
- Low risk money in high risk countries
- 20 year of experience and expert know-how
- From practice for practice
- Access to financing institutions
- Political Engineering
- International, broad based network
- Assistance regarding financial, institutional, and political aspects
- PFI safeguards from paying for learning by doing mistakes and harnesses scarce financial and personal resources
- Competency for comprehensive research and analysis
- Regional Core Competency
- South Eastern Europe
- China, PR
- Gulf Region
Umfassende Recherche- und
Analysekompetenz - Regionale Schwerpunkt-Kompetenz
- Süd Ost Europa
- China
- Golf Region
- High probability of business success
- Optimal results in negotiations
- Less mistakes / reduction of cost
- Lower Risk
- Tailor-made training of staff
- Building up a Center of Expertise
Access to external financing and risk securing in projects overseas for companies are of utmost
Importance. In an increasing competitive global business environment, eventually success depends. On creativity exercised in project preparation, project dev elopement and financing arrangement.
For businesses to optimally utilize and apply up-to date financing options, specialist know-how, combined with deep expert knowledge regarding the usages of this complex matter is of utmost importance. It is not necessary to have such knowledge readily available from within your own company, but you need to clarify all practical and structural problems related to market entries.
Using the services of PFI as your external Center of competence assures you of an efficient and effective support and provides the basis for an economical project development.
Advice and support from external sources provides businesses with a greater flexibility than skill adaptation from within. The companies can focus on their cores businesses, while PFI-experts deal with all the details related to financial engineering.
Using PFI’s internationally renown and established competence improves the competitive position of our clients in the international project business environment.
Usage of PFI-expertise safeguards an immediate and quick market positioning without having to invest into a multi-year training period.