Financial Marketing / Market Entry Strategies
International banks and financing institutions and development banks (DFI) are providing substantial funds for less developed countries for projects that enhance their economic and social development.
Experience shows, that international competitor is making use of those financing opportunities. Participating in from such programs provides a multitude of opportunities for export business and provide an effective and cost-optimal strategy for entering such new markets.
The constantly changing rules and regulations of financing modalities and support programs generally require private companies to engage expert knowledge to ensure optimal usage of available financing.
Therefore, PFI in their services puts substantial diligence in the advice and support of private sector clients in all aspects of project activities in connection with international finance institutions. Prerequisites thereto are PFI’s competencies:
For German companies the usage of project financing through international finance institutions is very often still uncharted area. The involvement of such finance institutions is subject to rigorous rules and regulations.
The constantly changing rules and regulations of financing modalities and support programs generally require private companies to engage expert knowledge to ensure optimal usage of available financing.
FinancialMarketing starts with “Project Scouting“. PFI’s service includes the identification at the earliest possible time of project opportunities and in the assistance throughout the bidding process. The whole gamut of available financing schemes and programs are analyzed for effective application, to ensure business with….
PFI-business approach is a front-end approach, since in highly competitive markets every project increasingly needs to be structured at the earliest possible point. Pre-project activities need to be carried out by the project sponsor, with the prospective finance institutions and with all Government agencies involved with the project, to prepare the field for project success.
Presence on-site of our international partners is a guarantee for continuous follow-up of project progress.
Leistungsmerkmale im Finanzierungsmarketing
- Country-specific analysis
- Branch-specific Analysis
- Analysis of sales chances
- Aquisiton of relevant prior-information and documentation for projects
- Research and Analysis of financing options and trends for distribution politics
- Access to financing institutions
- Political Engineering with all involved institutions and ministeries
- Search for potential partners within the target market
- Joint development for country related strategies
- Permanent contact to all levels of financing institutions
- Permanent contact to involved consulting companies
- Kompetenz-Präsentationen in den Sektorabteilungen der Banken
- Auswertung der Ausschreibungsunterlagen
- Begleitung der Angebotsausarbeitung – Coaching des Angebots Teams –
- Betreuung während der Vertragsverhandlung
- Risikoverminderung durch frühzeitiges Erkennen und Gegensteuern
- Überwachung der Auszahlungsmodalitäten